

服务流程 合作伙伴

客服中⼼/Customer Service 
佳劲源始终坚持“以客户为中心,以优质的服务让客户满意”的经营理念。这种理念早已渗透到公司的市场、生产、品质、工程、研发等各个环节,“做好本职工作、服务客 户”成了佳劲源全体员工的共同心愿和自觉行为,不论在什么时候,只要接到客户的要求,我们都会在第一时间内做出回应,如果客户对我们的回复不满意,我们还可以安排 相关人员与客户直接沟通,直到客户满意为止。具体来讲,佳劲源服务主要包括售前与售后服务。
We always persevere in the”customer-centered,high quality service to customer satisfaction”asour business philosophy.It has already penetrated into the company's marketing,production,quality,engineering,research and development and other departments,”Try our best to meet customers needs”has become the common aspiration and conscious action of all our employees.Whenever,as long as we receive the orders from customers,we will handling them fitrst.If customers are not satisfied with our response,wa can also arrange our employees to communicate directly with the customer until we get their satisfaction.Specifically,we provide pre-sales and after-sales service.

售前服务/Pre-sale service 
通过与客户的充分沟通,确定客户的需求; 通过客户需要的样品和技术资料; 通过对客户进行产品相关专业只是的培训,引导客户安全、正确的使用产品; 应客户要求,提供其他相关和服务,例如:委托测试、认证、技术交流等。
Communicate with customers,identify customer needs; Provide customers samples and technical in formation for their confirmation; Indicate customers how to use batteries properly and safely; Meet customer requirements,and to provide other related services,like packaging design,devolved testing,and technical exchanges,etc.

售后服务/After-sale service 
了解客户的使用状况。及时沟通解决客户使用中出现的问题; 了解客户对产品性能的后续需求,做好技术储备; 客户满意调查; 投诉处理:在24小时内响应客户投诉,一周内向客户递交针对客户的“投诉报告”。
The understand thesituation of product use for customers,Timely to communication and solve the problems for customers; The understand  customer continuous needs of products,to provide them with technical reserves; Customer satisfaction survey; Complaint handling: response to customer  complaints within 24 hours, provide customers with”complaint report ”within one week.